North Frontenac Non Profit Housing Corporation and Central Frontenac Housing Corporation

Serving North & Central Frontenac

1096-B Clement Rd. Unit 6, Sharbot Lake, Ont, K0H2P0
Telephone: 613-279-3322 


North Frontenac Non Profit Housing Corporation

Established in 1982 to provide and operate housing accommodation for persons of low and moderate income. The corporation owns/operates 18 one to four bedroom, semi-detached and/or townhouse units in the vicinity of the village of Sharbot Lake.

Telephone: 613-546-2695, ext. 4764
Social Housing Registry City of Kingston

email (NFNPHC):

Central Frontenac Housing Corporation

Established in 2010 to provide and operate affordable housing accommodation for seniors (minimum age requirement of 60 years) of low and moderate income. The corporation owns/operates a 5 unit, single floor, apartment building. Each unit has a private entrance, a rear yard and patio and includes a high efficiency washer and dryer. The building also offers a common room to promote social interaction and houses the office of the property manager.

Application for Mature Living Complex in Sharbot Lake

Telephone: 613-279-3322



Local & Regional Resources

Social Housing - City of Kingston
County of Frontenac
North Frontenac Township
Central Frontenac Township
Rural Frontenac Community Services 613-279-3151
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health
Southern Frontenac Community Services (613) 376-6477
Pharmasave Sharbot Lake 613-279-2901 1036 Elizabeth Street, Sharbot Lake
Sharbot Lake Family Health Team 613-279-2100 1005 Medical Centre Road, Sharbot Lake
The Legal Clinic Sharbot Lake (613) 279-3252
Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers Kingston and Frontenac (613) 548-4834
Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health
211 Eastern Ontario Region 2-1-1 TTY: 1-888-240-1001 | 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Prevent bear encounters (Bear Wise)

Board of Directors

As of Sept 2024

Chair: Janet Gutowski

Vice Chair: Linda Chappel

Secretary: Sarah Price

Treasurer, Past Chair: Peggy Hurley

Director: William (Bill) Wilson

Director: Colleen Allison

Director: Kathi Zarfas

  Proud members of the Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association